Ludomir Sleńdziński was a master at imparting quaintness to even the most trivial motif. The unusual viewpoint from above stretches out the perspective, and distances the subjected depicted; the geometrically generalised forms are painted in primary colours; and the lighting is strong and artificial. A girl with very irregular features turns from the image of a child of the 1920s into an allegory of budding femininity. She sits in a rather humbly furnished room, and holds in her lap a box with a bottle of perfume and other items of a woman's toiletry, which are of great interest to her teenage friends. Sleńdziński revelled in unchanging values. He disliked unpredictable, uncontrollable, constantly changing nature. He preferred logic and rationality, and he was fascinated by precision and orderliness. His main source of inspiration was Classical art. On the other hand, he did not avoid depicting people of his age and their world, but he tried to give them some nobility. In the image of the girl with a box, besides what has already been mentioned, he also refers to the world of art (the bright lacquered instrument and the copper leg of a piano, and the corner of a painting), thus giving the plain room, with its yellow floorboards covered in a striped rag rug, an aspect of luxury. We can read the apparel of the girl (her dress, her stockings) as clear historical signs in the painting, and also her hairstyle and a tablecloth with a pattern in double harness weave that was characteristic of the Vilnius area. The painting is a perfect example of the style that fused Classical with local features, and was called Vilnius Neoclassicism.
Valentinas AntanavičiusArbit Blatas (Neemija Arbitblatas)Vincas DilkaVladas EidukevičiusAdomas GaldikasJonas GasiūnasVincentas GečasAntanas GudaitisKsenija JaroševaitėVytautas Kazimieras JonynasVytautas KairiūkštisGediminas KaraliusVincas KisarauskasJuozas MikėnasDeimantas NarkevičiusMindaugas NavakasViktoras PetravičiusEglė RakauskaitėFerdynand RuszczycAntanas SamuolisŠarūnas SaukaAugustinas SavickasLudomir SleńdzińskiAntanas SutkusArvydas ŠaltenisJonas ŠvažasAlgimantas ŠvėgždaGintautas TrimakasSofija VeiverytėJustinas VienožinskisJuozas ZikarasKazimiera ZimblytėAntanas Žmuidzinavičius

Ludomir Sleńdziński. Girl with a Box. 1927