You see a piece entitled Spoon by the sculptor Gediminas Karalius, who by the end of the Soviet era was interested in the expression of Surrealism. It is an associative object, a testament to the repressive forces of the political system of the time. In fact, it should not be exhibited on a pedestal, but should hang overhead, suspended at the level of the viewer's mouth. This would enable the physiological sensation of the contrast between the smooth white surface inside the spoon, and its outer surface, covered in a spiky chestnut shell. Commenting on his unusual idea, the artist explained that he had wanted to explore the visual contrast of his associative sculptural object, as a memory of the duplicity of the political system of the times. He wanted to point out the other, repressive and thorny, side of the public image of socialism. The suspendedSpoonwas first displayed in Vilnius during the First Medal and Small Size Sculpture Exhibition in 1979, in the former Exhibition Palace.
Valentinas AntanavičiusArbit Blatas (Neemija Arbitblatas)Vincas DilkaVladas EidukevičiusAdomas GaldikasJonas GasiūnasVincentas GečasAntanas GudaitisKsenija JaroševaitėVytautas Kazimieras JonynasVytautas KairiūkštisGediminas KaraliusVincas KisarauskasJuozas MikėnasDeimantas NarkevičiusMindaugas NavakasViktoras PetravičiusEglė RakauskaitėFerdynand RuszczycAntanas SamuolisŠarūnas SaukaAugustinas SavickasLudomir SleńdzińskiAntanas SutkusArvydas ŠaltenisJonas ŠvažasAlgimantas ŠvėgždaGintautas TrimakasSofija VeiverytėJustinas VienožinskisJuozas ZikarasKazimiera ZimblytėAntanas Žmuidzinavičius

Gediminas Karalius. Spoon. 1977