The figure composition Woman with Fruit was produced by Juozas Mikėnas during the first Soviet occupation. The posture of the young country woman is slightly marked by the pathos of the new order; while her dress contains some elements of women's fashion in the USSR, most likely recorded by the sculptor not from observations of everyday life, but from examples of Socialist Realism that were disseminated widely among Lithuanian artists in the 1940s. Mikėnas' powerful Neoclassical spirit breaks through the thin layer of this Soviet deposit. Thanks to this, his contemporaries, and we too, can identify with this proud, strong young woman, who is nobly holding a basketful of the fruits of the harvest. Her image embodies the deep rural tradition, which used to be and continues to be seen by most Lithuanians as an anchor. This sculpture is considered to be one of the classic examples of national art, despite its obvious link with the French Neoclassical tradition, which was the main formative influence on Mikėnas' personal style.
Valentinas AntanavičiusArbit Blatas (Neemija Arbitblatas)Vincas DilkaVladas EidukevičiusAdomas GaldikasJonas GasiūnasVincentas GečasAntanas GudaitisKsenija JaroševaitėVytautas Kazimieras JonynasVytautas KairiūkštisGediminas KaraliusVincas KisarauskasJuozas MikėnasDeimantas NarkevičiusMindaugas NavakasViktoras PetravičiusEglė RakauskaitėFerdynand RuszczycAntanas SamuolisŠarūnas SaukaAugustinas SavickasLudomir SleńdzińskiAntanas SutkusArvydas ŠaltenisJonas ŠvažasAlgimantas ŠvėgždaGintautas TrimakasSofija VeiverytėJustinas VienožinskisJuozas ZikarasKazimiera ZimblytėAntanas Žmuidzinavičius

Juozas Mikėnas. Woman with Fruit. 1940–1941