2011 02 04 - 03 30
2011 02 11 - 04 03
2011 04 08 - 06 05
2011 05 13 - 09 18
2011 07 01 - 09 25
2011 10 11 - 11 13
2011 12 09 - 2012 02 12
2011 12 09 - 2012 02 12
2011 12 09 - 2012 02 12


Baltic Art, Architecture, and Design. 1960s-70s

The project focuses on the 'lost' modernization of architecture, design, and art of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the 1960s-70s with a goal to research, reconstruct and contextualize it as well as look into the shifting meaning of modernization in European arts, architecture and design after WWII. In this the exhibition seeks to transgress the boundaries of the grand narrative of European history of art of the 2nd half of the 20th c. and strengthen its second or double voice.   

The exhibition "Modernization. Baltic Art, Architecture, and Design. 1960s-70s" reflects on the architecture, design, and applied art of the three Baltic countries in the period of political and cultural thaw during the 1960s. The specific dialectics between the spirit of international modernization and the compulsory Soviet agenda, the transformation of public and private spheres are researched. The exhibition also seeks to address the notion of the Baltic cultural space established in the Soviet period and its protective national program.

The project is organized in collaboration with partner museums in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Curators: Lolita Jablonskienė (NGA), Kai Lobjakas (Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design) and Iliana Veinberga (Latvian Academy of Arts)

Designer: Indrek Sirkel

Architects: Aleksandras Kavaliauskas and Andrius Skiezgelas

The exhibition "Modernization. Baltic Art, Architecture, and Design. 1960s-70s" is the part of the project "Recapturing the Invisible Past" and was partly supported by the EU "Culture 2007-2013" program.

General sponsor: insurance company BTA

Sponsors: Kultūros rėmimo fondas, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, Vilniaus apskrities trišalė taryba, Vilniaus dizaino kolegija, Estijos kultūros fondas, Estijos dailės akademija, JCDecaux, Servier Pharma, Gedeon Richter, Re-board.

Media support: Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija, Vilniaus diena.