Telling Tales
Telling Tales
The exhibition Telling Tales brings together ten artists or artist duos from the Baltic States and Switzerland under the theme of story-telling, in terms of both collective history and personal narrative. A major subject for many Baltic artists is the heritage of the Soviet past. Found photographs and film-footage, documenting of the past provide material for their work. In contrast, Swiss artists develop fictions that concern the creation of myths, evoke period aesthetics or analyze the influence of archival processes on the construction of collective memory.
Participating artists: Eglė Karpavičiūtė (LT), Petra Elena Köhle / Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin (CH), Laurent Kropf (CH), Paulis Liepa (LV), Dainius Liškevičius (LT), Lutz&Guggisberg (CH), Marge Monko (EE), Katrīna Neiburga (LV), Sandrine Pelletier (CH), Liina Siib (EE).
The exhibition is part of the Cooperations programme of Pro Helvetia Warsaw. Invited by Pro Helvetia Warsaw to take part in this programme marking the closure at the end of 2013 of the Swiss Arts Council's activities in Central and Eastern Europe, Kunsthaus CentrePasquArt, Biel embarked on a collaboration with art institutions and artists in the Baltic States.
Exhibition curator Felicity Lunn (Kunsthaus CentrePasquArt, Biel).
The exhibition is supported by:
Pro Helvetia
Lithuanian Culture Council
Ad Rem Transport
Best Western